Sudanarchäologie online

Abasseya Project
The Abasseya archaeological site, nowadays a plaza within a neighborhood of Karima, is located north-west from Jebel Barkal. The structures found in Abasseya would form of a Meroitic religious complex dated in the Second century BC.

Abu Erteila
La missione congiunta italo-russa ad Abu Erteila

Blog of the ERC starting grant project AcrossBorders (Julia Budka – Institut für Ägyptologie der LMU): Settlement patterns in Egypt and Nubia in the 2nd Millennium BC are the main fields of research of the project AcrossBorders

Amara West: Investigating life in an Egyptian town

AmSARC – American Sudanese Archaeological Research Center
The AmSARC with projects at Tombos, Nuri and El-Kurru

Amri to Kirbekan Survey
Amri to Kirbekan Survey, SARS contribution to the Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project

Baganarti – Selib

Jebel Barkal: History and Archaeology of Ancient Napata

SARS-survey (1999): Bayuda Desert Survey

Begrawiya to Atbara
SARS-survey (1993-1994): Begrawiya to Atbara Survey along the new road to Atbara

Berber-Abidiya archaeological project
The Berber-Abidiya region is situated just south of the fifth Nile cataract in Sudan. This project is focussed on the late Kushite city of Dangeil and associated cemeteries.

The Oriental Institute, The 1905–1907 Breasted Expeditions to Egypt and the Sudan: A Photographic Study, Chicago 1975

Dongola Reach
SARS-survey (1993-1997): The Northern Dongola Reach Survey (NDRS)

Dongola: Citadel
Citadel – SWN, Monastery on Kom H, Mosque/Throne Hall restoration project, geophysical survey, site mapping, Hammur cemetery mapping (MtoM project)

Fith Cataract
SARS-survey and excavation project at the Fith Nile Cataract in collaboration with the British Museum

SARS-excavation (1994-1995): Gabati Excavation Project examining a cemetery)

SFDAS-excavation in el-Hassa: Un établissement urbain méroïtique à proximité de la capitale impériale

Das Forschungsarchiv von Friedrich W. Hinkel zum antiken Sudan beim Deutschen Archäologischen Institut (DAI)

SFDAS-excavation in el-Hobagi (1985-1990): Tumuli impériaux post-méroïtiques entre cinquième et sixième cataractes

Humboldt-Universität Nubien Expedition
H.U.N.E. – Die Nubien-Expedition der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Der iDAI.gazetteer ist ein Webservice, der Ortsnamen mit Koordinaten verbindet und in zwei Richtungen wirken soll. Nach innen dient er als Normdatenvokabular für sämtliche ortsbezogenen Informationen und Informationssysteme des DAI. Nach außen soll er diese mit den weltweiten Gazetteer-Systemen verbinden.

ISNS – International Society for Nubian Studies
A focus for those interested in the archaeology and history of Nubia and Sudan

Jebel Barkal Archaeological Project
Jebel Barkal Archaeological Project (JBAP) of the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology at the University of Michigan and of the National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums (NCAM).

SFDAS-excavation in el-Kadada (1976-1986): Sauvetage de nécropoles néolithique et méroïtique près de Shendi

SFDAS-excavation in Kadrouka: Kadrouka dans le ouadi el-Khowi : nécropoles néolithiques

SARS-excavation in Kawa

KERMA – Mission Archéologique Suisse au Soudan
Mission archéologique suisse au Soudan

Mission Suisse-Franco-Soudanaise de Kerma-Doukki Gel

SARS-excavation: Investigations at Kurgus, a joint SARS-British Museum project

El Kurru: A Royal City of Ancient Kush?

Early Makuria Research Project: Zuma

Meroe – Royal Baths
Meroe Royal Baths Protective Shelter

Mograt Island
Mograt Island Archaeological Mission

SFDAS-excavation: Fouilles de la ville méroïtique

Munich University Attab to Ferka Survey: The area which is the focus of fieldwork within the Munich University Attab to Ferka Survey Project is a stretch along the Nile including various islands between Attab and Ferka in Northern Sudan, within the general region of the southern Second Cataract, being located just south of the Dal Cataract. This area of investigation can be regarded as “periphery” to two of the main Egyptian centers of the region, to Amara West and Sai Island.

The archaeological Mission to Musawwarat

Naga BR-Special
Web-Spezial des Bayerischen Rundfunks zu Naga mit Fernseh-Dokumentation „Tempelstadt Naga – Die verschüttete Hochkultur“ sowie umfangreichem Begleitmaterial.

Jebel Sabaloka

Sai Island
SFDAS-excavation on Sai Island

SARS – The Sudan Archaeological Research Society
Founded in 1991 the Sudan Archaeological Research Society provides a focus for anyone interested in the archaeology of the Sudan and of Egypt south of the First Nile Cataract.

SFDAS – Section francaise de la direction des antiquitès du Soudan
u.a. mit diverser Literatur zum Download (KUSH online, Meroitic Newsletter, Royal Cemetery of Kush)

Soba – The heart of Alwa
Seite über die Arbeiten des Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, in Soba – mittelalterliche Hauptstadt des kristlichen Königreiches Alwa

Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V.
u.a. mit älteren Ausgaben der Zeitschrift “Der Antike Sudan. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V.” (MittSAG) als PDF-Datei zum Download

Sudan Archaeological Heritage Protection Project
The Sudan Archaeological Heritage Protection project has the ambition to protect the Sudanese archaeological
heritage in an enduring manner from a variety of menacing factors.

Tombos Archaeological Site
The current project at Tombos  investigates the impacts of Egypt’s New Kingdom Empire on the Nubian Kerma culture and their interactions and entanglements with the colonists who settled at Tombos. University of California, Santa Barbara

Umm Rowag
SARS-survey (2001): Exploration of Jebel Um Rowag

Uronarti Regional Archaeology Project

Archaeological excavation in Usli

Wadi Abu Dom
WWU-Münster: W.A.D.I / Wadi Abu Dom Itinerary

Wadi Howar
Settlement Area and Thoroughfare at the Southern Margin of the Libyan Desert

Western Sahara Project
Archaeology and past environments of Western Sahara

Zankor et Abou Sofyan
SFDAS: Fouilles de l’université de Lille III Charles de Gaulle